Our Programs

Our Programs

What is our role as a coach?

We are coaches. We are not therapists and therefore what we do is not suitable for those with higher levels of anxiety such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder or PTSD. As coaches, we focus on guiding you to open up new possibilities and be motivated to engage in change. Our programs help you to access new viewpoints that will help you improve your future and look forward by achieving your goals by reaching short term targets through accountability, motivation and support. Anxiety is often focused on fear of the future, therefore our anxiety coaching combats anxiety-related symptoms by helping you feel more in control of the outcome and facilitating more positive thought patterns. We use the S.T.I.L.L method program as a vehicle to scaffold confidence, build a bank of strategies and feel more equipped to navigate change. 

According to the Institute of Coaching, 80% of people who went on a coaching program boosted their self-confidence. Over 70% improved their work performance, communication skills, and relationships.

How can we help you?

All of our STILL Method sessions are:

  • Practical and fun
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Provide tools to deal with difficult feelings, fear and phobic thoughts
  • Help to develop emotional resilience and regulate emotions
  • Easily adaptable to suit age and ability
  • Your own personal 'Mind Hacks' journal

Click on the tabs above to find out more about each of our programs


This 6-week STILL Method program is suitable for children and adults who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or low self-esteem.

It is run over six, 1 hour session.

Coaching 1:1 V Group

Choosing a group or a 1:1 session depends on what you, or your child want to get from the sessions- what are the outcomes that you would like to have?  

1:1 means that we can come to your home, an environment that you may feel more comfortable in, at a time that is more convenient to you. It also means that we can engage 100% with you, or your child, meaning that goals can be far more personalised. Unlike when working in groups, individual coaching means that we can take the time to understand the unique challenges that you are facing  and show you the most effective ways to move forward using our six week STILL Method Program. We also offer 1:1 online via Zoom.

Check out the STILL Groups tab for more information on the benefits of group sessions

Confident Kids / Confident Women / Confident Community

A 6-week STILL Method program is suitable for children (aged 7+) or adults who are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or low self-esteem. The group setting helps to nurture a sense of collaboration and shared experience.  The sessions are run in small groups of up to 10 people, and take place for an hour a week, over six weeks.

Coaching 1:1 V Group

Choosing a group or a 1:1 session depends on what you, or your child want to get from the sessions- what are the outcomes that you would like to have? 

A group offers the social aspect and peer support. It can be good to interact with others, share experiences and form new connections in a community space- you never know what else you could get involved in community-wise if you so desired. The games and activities are designed to get you engaging and chatting and boosting that confidence as well as giving you strategies to manage anxiety over the course of the six weeks. But we realise that this isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.

Check out the STILL 1:1 tab for more information on the benefits of sessions for individuals.


STILL Focused

It is perfectly normal to feel nervous, in fact this can help to focus and sharpen the mind to perform at your best level. However more severe feelings of anxiety, worry and self-doubt may affect performance and be very upsetting. These feelings can affect anyone.

Could you do with some coaching to help you manage these uncomfortable feelings? It may be that you are looking to combat exam stress, prepare for an interview, a driving test, board a flight or are preparing for a performance of some kind.

STILL Focused (formerly STILL Learning/STILL Performing) is a short program will help you to reduce the anxiety that you may feel in the build-up to the event so that you can be more focussed and approach it in a more positive way. It also gives you a set of tools and practical strategies to cope with the stress, brain freeze and feelings of self-doubt on the day too. Lifelong skills that can be applied whenever you need them again in the future.

A personal STILL Method workbook will be provided for participants to record and reflect on their thoughts and strategies.

The 3 hour programme can be split into 2 sessions, each 1.5 hours offering practical strategies and easy to use tools or, 3 sessions of 1 hour and is available for groups or 1:1.

Still Early

STILL Early is a fun program for 4-7 year olds, that begins to help children to self-regulate and build confidence.  Evidence shows that self-regulation is a critical skill for children to learn to increase happiness, achieve success in education and to accomplish happy, fulfilling lives.  

STILL Early can be delivered either as group sessions or individually. STILL Early group sessions are fun and are filled with singing, movement and a wide range of other activities. Drawing from neuroscience and positive psychology, our carefully crafted activities empower young minds, fostering confidence and emotional well-being.  Group programs are available as weekly 1-hour sessions over 6 weeks or alternatively a half-day program is available.

STILL Early can also be delivered as a 1:1program allowing children and their parents/carers to work together to overcome individual challenges and anxieties. The 1:1 program is available as weekly 1-hour sessions over 6 weeks or alternatively a half-day program is also available.


Coming Soon!

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Drawing and Talking

Drawing and Talking is a safe and gentle therapeutic approach, which provides an effective way for both children and adults to process emotional pain or trauma that they may be experiencing in a creative way and is an alternative to talk-based therapy. It is a 12-week program of 30 minute sessions-online or in your own home.

People are impacted emotionally by many different events, struggles or traumas. Sometimes they are unable to make sense of how they are feeling and how those feelings are impacting on their happiness and ability to navigate the world. 

Using this therapeutic approach, the individual will be able to express unconscious thoughts through a combination of drawing and talking. The participant is given the tools and freedom to express what is happening in their subconscious mind, without any interruptions, allowing emotions to be expressed and processed naturally.  This gives opportunities to process deep rooted emotions – that they may not walk to talk about. A resolution is reached as the individual is able to address the way they feel about past events or current concerns. 

The sessions remain confidential between the person accessing support and the practitioner. At the end of each session, the individual's picture will be put into their folder and kept safely away until the next session. On completion of session 12- the folder is handed back to them to keep as they wish.

  • Drawing and Talking can help anyone who:
  • Experiences anxiety, stress or phobias
  • Is not realising their full potential either socially or academically
  • Is feeling a lack of confidence in themselves
  • Is withdrawn or continually unhappy
  • Finds it difficult to make friends
  • Quarrels frequently with peers or siblings
  • Suffers from disrupted or disturbed sleep
  • Has suffered loss or bereavement 
  • Has experienced family change
  • Has suffered trauma
  • Is a young carer
  • Experiences emotional trauma because of their LGBTQ+ status
  • Is suffering from the effects of domestic abuse
  • Bullies others or are bullied themselves
  • Displays inappropriate behaviour

Compass for Life

Coming Soon

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Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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