ViciSTILL CIC was established in November 2021 to enable us to deliver free anxiety coaching group sessions in community hubs around Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-under-Lyme.  The sessions have been gratefully funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, and more recently by the Arnold Clark Community Fund.


Well, 2023 what a year! Funding, for which we are super grateful to the National Lottery and its players again, meant that we could offer 12 programs in the community. This year, we extended our provision to offer confidence and anxiety coaching through our STILL Method program, as well as group Drawing and Talking, a therapeutic play program that supports individuals to understand and process emotions. Again, this year our focus was on women and young people.

What was even more special about this year was the amount of fabulous feedback that we had. Children always say lovely things, but it was the adult feedback that especially hit home. The fact that the methods that were being learnt, were then being used and passed on. Women changed jobs, left toxic relationships, boosted their confidence to take on new roles, or to run book clubs. One was even elected as Deputy Lord Mayor!  These are skills for life and Karen and I use them every day ourselves. The feedback below really summed it all up for us. As ex-teachers, we know how important it is to teach the skills to boost confidence, resilience and have practical tools to calm overwhelm. Yes, we need more of this in schools but in the meantime, every attendee at our sessions is another voice, passing on the advice and support that they have gained.

“I went to the confidence club to find out what the techniques were about and if they could help me with my own lifelong anxiety and stress issues but also to see if I could apply the techniques in my role as a mental health first aider to teenagers. It turned out to be so much more than I thought it would be.

Amanda and Karen are so lovely, experienced and passionate about what they do, their enthusiasm is infectious. While they are both very different individuals, their passion, commitment and life experience brings something genuinely magical in a group. I watched our group evolve from a really quite nervous and tentative coffee morning kind of vibe (though our meetings were in the evening!) into a brave, exploratory, honest (and sometimes hilarious) gathering of comfortable, flawed, brave, open and empowered women.

Confidence club is an understatement. I found myself using the techniques daily, while not always perfectly, the concepts seem to sit within you through wonderful, compassionate teaching and demonstration that means you can integrate them into whatever you do on a daily basis. I've also used them in my professional role to talk young people through panic attacks, stressful situations and through coaching. On one notable occasion another young person had seen me helping someone during a crisis, came to me later to tell me that I'd make a wonderful counsellor. It was very sweet.

The course genuinely empowered and empowers me daily. It's also had a ripple effect. 100% I would recommend, without reservation.


Professionally, I wish we had more funding to bring this to more young people and then some more to share it through the community. I can't thank you enough.”

So, as we look forward to 2024 we have our fingers crossed for more funding. Raising aspirations in our community through the Compass for Life program will be our new offering - alongside the essential skills for life that our other programs provide. We look forward to getting involved in even more events within the communities that we serve.


Together we are stronger!

2021 - 22

Well what a fabulous year we have had, running free coaching programs for the children and adults of Staffordshire. And, we couldn’t have done it without National Lottery players. Yes, it would be great to win big but look at all of the amazing projects that have been funded by players. We are just one of many projects to receive the Community Fund grants.

What has it enabled us to do? The grant enabled us to run five, 6-week Empowering Women programs and four Kid's Confidence Clubs in the community as well as two programs as School Clubs. Finding out more about anxiety and the way that it affects our health and daily lives, boosts self-esteem, strengthens our resilience and enables us to achieve our goals- whether it be to get a new job, sleep with the light off, learn to swim or pass a driving test!

But more than that, running the sessions from community hubs and venues locally has brought people together, forming new friendships and alliances. This supportive network benefits our groups by tackling social isolation, introducing our participants to other activities that they can get involved in boosts their wellbeing. The community hubs benefit and continue to thrive as more people discover the fabulous work that they do or access services. From a personal point of view, Karen and I have met some amazing people, doing amazing things to strengthen community and support others.

To find out more about the fabulous community venues we are proud to use for our programs, please click here.

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Our STILL Method qualification is externally accredited by:

What people say about the STILL Method Sessions delivered by ViciSTILL

"Thank you for your help over the past weeks and helping me calm down and helping me to let go of my worries, fears and conclusions and answering my questions."

R (Aged 9)

Kid's Confidence Club

“I like palm-pushing because it enables me to do more things I enjoy.  Because I don't worry so much.”

D (Aged 11)

Kid's Confidence Club

“I can now sleep in my own BED."

R  (Girl)

Kid's Confidence Club

“I really enjoyed being part of the group! Very timely as we emerged from the restraints of COVID.  Amanda and Karen are warm and approachable😁  I gained really valuable insights and helpful skills.  Thank you.”

Confident Women's Club

Green Grams

“Generally found the anxiety sessions really useful.  As well as meeting some lovely people, I've used lots of the physical techniques such as The Method and stepping into someone you respect.  I would recommend the sessions and Amanda and Karen have been amazing!.” 

Confident Women's Club

Green Grams

“I decided to join the 6 week anxiety program ran by Amanda and Karen because I was becoming quite isolated due to my circumstances which was causing me to become anxious about doing anything new or socialising. The STILL method has taught me many things that I have found useful and continue to use. Since joining the course I have been taking steps on my ladder to achieve the things I was hoping for. I have re-joined the gym which I always enjoy and find boosts my confidence and mood as well as making time for selfcare and socialising. I now feel I am in a good place and ready to enjoy life in a better way. The long term impact of this course is great and I love that both Amanda and Karen followed up to see how everybody is doing. Thank you both for the start of a new chapter!”

Confident Women's Club

The Cafe Fenton

“I can definitely say I have achieved one of my ladder goals, separating from my husband of nearly 30 years! While the technics didn't actual help me make the decision, I used them to keep my mental health stable while I was in the process of working it all out. They also helped to reduce the feeling of anxiety bought on in part by my situation but also the start of the menopause. It was a safe space in which to talk to women in similar situations with anxiety.  Amanda and Karen were brilliant throughout allowing everyone time to talk as much or as little as they needed to. Absolutely brilliant course would highly recommend."

Confident Women's Club

Green Grams

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